Follows Madeline Matlock as she joins the staff of a prestigious law firm, where she uses her cunning tactics to win cases and expose wrongdoing. A gender-reversed takeoff on the original 1986 television series of the same name, Matlock (1986) starred Andy Griffith in the title role of criminal defense attorney Ben Matlock.
For legal reasons, they had to give Dean Hargrove a movie “based on the Matlock series.” credit.. In order for Matlock to be hired by a New York law firm, her law license status would have had to be verified through one of three official mechanisms, each of which is carefully managed by the state.
Well, I enjoyed the first episode of Matlock. Of course, anything Kathy Bates touches will be improved.
I think she had great chemistry with the rest of the cast. Then again, maybe that’s what you get with a theater legend.
Next up is Sam Anderson whose talent and charisma bring something special to every character he plays. If the stories and writing can keep up with the talent pool on this show and the director can give the young actors some guidance, I think CBS is going to have a blast.